An area for the first step in the creation
Dantzaz is creation
Dantzaz is creation
This is the name of the first area that brings new talents in choreographic writing into contact with Dantzaz. The company offers residencies of various formats inspired by the needs of each creative process and mutual knowledge.
hey are, in short, the prelude to the subsequent development of artistic projects and productions. Every year, and through different programmes and modalities, Dantzaz hosts between 3 and 4 choreographers at ZONE.
Throughout the history of Dantzaz, the residency programmes have been adapted to the nature of those local and international agreements that stimulate choreographic creation with incredible energy and projection. As a result of this dialogical listening, Dantzaz promotes and welcomes:

Reciprocal international residencies
Local artists (from the Euskadi-Navarre-New Aquitaine Euroregion) exchange workspaces with international creators. To this end, Dantzaz has established collaboration agreements with entities in Italy, Scotland, the Netherlands, Quebec (Canada) and Slovenia and is currently extending its network of partners to Mexico, Costa Rica and other Latin American countries.
Agreements with choreographic competitions
Dantzaz also supports the emergence of new talent at local, national and international levels through various agreements signed with prestigious choreographic competitions such as those in Sens (France), Stuttgart and Hannover (Germany), or Madrid.
Former members of Dantzaz
The contact and monitoring of the extensive network of professionals who pass through Dantzaz (more than 150) give meaning to this reception line in residence of former company members whose aim is to strengthen their artistic evolution. Judith Argómaniz and Martin Harriague, among others, are former members of Dantzaz who have had the opportunity to sign choreographies for the company.
Own curatorship
Dantzaz invites choreographers to participate in self-curated residencies based on a broad ecosystem that addresses the needs of local audiences and programmers and the interests of performers and the local dance sector.
These residencies, lasting between two and six weeks, consider aspects such as exploration, research, mediation and choreographic creation. Some of these hosting processes also include the development of a simple production with specific costumes and lighting.
If you are a creator and want to be part of our ZONE (residency programme), write to us at
Atalak Network
The mission behind the birth of the Atalak Network is the development of opportunities for the contemporary dance sector in the Euskadi-Navarre-New Aquitaine Euroregion.

Dantzaz is the leader of this cross-border network made up of the CCN Malandain-Ballet Biarritz, the Baluarte Foundation, Tabakalera, Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea and the Vitoria-Gasteiz Theatre Network, as well as an increasingly extensive platform of allies that includes institutions such as the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático y Danza-Dantzerti, the Espacio de Creación Azala, the Conservatorio de Danza José Uruñuela de Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Archivo de la Música y Artes Escénicas de Navarra and ERESBIL, among others.
Atalak promotes residencies for experimentation and research, promotes group choreographic writing processes (between 8 and 14 performers) and facilitates accompaniment in developing artists’ proposals in the initial stages of their careers. In a complementary way, it generates networking spaces and offers tools for interrelation with audiences and the local territory. More information at